Transportation Strategic Plan (TSP)

Transportation Master Plan logo. Kirkland is planning for transportation over the next 20 years and will be updating the city's Transportation Strategic Plan. Critical to that planning is the need to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the City Transportation System and identify future projects that respond to growth and keep Kirkland moving.

As part of the City’s Comprehensive Plan Update, the Transportation Master Plan(PDF, 19MB) (as it was previously called) will be updated to set policy and to help prioritize future transportation projects needed in Kirkland through the year 2044. These projects will support safety, mobility, commerce, quality of life, and connectivity for all modes of transportation.

The City Council has adopted a goal(PDF, 58KB) of reducing reliance on single-occupancy vehicles and improving connectivity and multimodal connectivity to maintain or enhance travel times, safety, health, and transportation choices. The Transportation Strategic Plan will help to create a balanced transportation system that meets this goal.

The Transportation Strategic Plan seeks to invest in all modes of transportation by:

  • Funding maintenance and preservation of existing facilities as a priority
  • Focusing comprehensively on safety
  • Emphasizing greater support for bicycle and pedestrian modes
  • Actively partnering with other groups
  • Making sure growth is on pace with construction of multi-modal transportation projects

The Transportation Commission was the lead advisory board on the development of the Transportation Master Plan (adopted in 2015) and will help guide the city to update this plan.

TSP Update Timeline

TSP Update Timeline

  • Early Outreach and Community Visioning: Fall 2022 - Feb/Mar 2023
  • Focused Transportation and Land Use Outreach: Spring 2023
  • Plan Development Process: Spring - Fall 2023
  • Prepare Draft Plan and Environmental Review: Fall 2023 - Early 2024
  • Adoption of TMP in Conjunction with the Comprehensive Plan Update: Fall 2024

Schedule for broader Comprehensive Plan outreach topics:


Past Public Meetings

The tabs below include links to the meeting materials prepared for all past City Council, Transportation Commission, and Planning Commission meetings. 

TMP Annual Infographic Progress Reports