Civil Service Commission The Civil Service Commission, required by law, oversees the hiring and disciplining of City police and fire personnel.
Cultural Arts Commission The Commission is established by Resolution to advise the City Council on public art acquisitions, including the City's "1 Percent for Art" program.
Design Review Board The Design Review Board (DRB) reviews projects for consistency with applicable business district design guidelines and approved master plans.
Disability Board (LEOFF I) The Disability Board represents LEOFF I (Law Enforcement Officers and Firefighters).
Human Services Commission The Human Services Commission is established by the City Council to act in an advisory capacity to Parks and Community Services, City Manager, and City Council on efforts to support a socially sustainable community through health and human services and programs that fulfill the basic needs of all people.
Library Board The purpose of the Board is to serve as an advisory body to the Kirkland City Council and the Kirkland City Manager, and also serves as liaison to the King County rural library district and its designated librarian regarding library service issues and community interest.
Park Board The Park Board is established by the City Council to act in an advisory capacity on issues pertaining to Parks and Community Services.
Planning Commission The Planning Commission advises the City Council on all matters relating to the Kirkland Comprehensive Plan and land use regulations.
Salary Commission The Salary Commission sets the salary of the members of the City Council. Applicants must not be an officer, official, or employee of the city, or an immediate family member.
Tourism Development Committee The Tourism Development Committee advises the Council on allocating the lodging excise tax fund for tourism promotion and is comprised of seven voting members.
Transportation Commission The Transportation Commission advises City Council, through the City Manager, regarding planning and development of transportation issues referred to the Commission by the City Council.