Public Works FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I find out about the different street and utility construction projects going on in Kirkland?

There are many street and utility construction projects going on in Kirkland. These may be initiated by private development or by the City's Capital Improvement Program.

For further information about these and other types of street or utility projects, please contact the Public Works Department at 425-587-3800.

How do I request sidewalks, bike lanes, traffic signals, and such for my neighborhood?

Some improvements qualify for the Capital Improvement Program (CIP), which is an ongoing program for City-funded projects. Other types of improvements must be funded by you and your neighbors. 

Public Works staff can explain the process for each type of improvement. Please call 425-587-3800 for more information or submit a Suggest a Project request via Our Kirkland

How do I get my street re-paved?

All streets have a limited life span due to daily wear and tear by traffic. City streets are prioritized as to when they qualify for a new asphalt overlay. There is an ongoing Street Overlay Program that is funded by the CIP and the 2012 Street Levy.

If you believe that your street is in need of repaving with a new asphalt overlay, please contact the Public Works Department at 425-587-3800. We can check the condition of the surface of your street to see if and when it qualifies for an overlay. 

The Street Preservation Page contains more information and updates. 

Who can help me with traffic signal timing?

You may use Our Kirkland to report concerns about traffic signal timing. Please note that traffic signals adjacent to I-405 are owned and operated by the Washington State Department of Transportation. The WSDOT Signals Division can be reached at 206-440-4490.

I want a traffic sign installed.

You may request a new traffic sign via Our Kirkland. Requests are subject to review by Transportation Engineering and must comply with local, state, and/or federal laws. 

I'd like to know how much traffic volume is on a street in Kirkland.

If you need more information on traffic volume, please contact Transportation Engineering at 425-587-3869 or email Transportation Engineer Thang Nguyen

My street is too dark. Can I get a streetlight installed?

Streetlights can sometimes be installed when a suitable pole is already in place. It is more complex and expensive when a new pole is needed. Nearby neighbors need to agree on the streetlight's installation. 

You may request a new streetlight via Our Kirkland

Are a storm drain and the sewer the same thing?

No. Stormwater is conveyed directly to creeks, streams, Lake Washington, and Puget Sound without treatment. Wastewater (sewage) is collected and treated at the King County South Treatment Plant in Renton, then discharged to the Green River. 

Many water quality response calls occur from people discharging materials into the storm drain. These discharges frequently include:

  • Paint brushes being rinsed and paint poured into storm drains. We have tracked some spills miles from their point of origin. 
  • Pollutants from floor cleaning being dumped into storm drains, causing death to fish in our lakes and streams. 
  • Vehicle oil changes
  • Pressure washing
  • Construction materials such as concrete being discharged to storm drains

Please call 425-587-3900 24 hours a day to report spills of any type. 


Can I dump biodegradable products into the storm drain?

No. Biodegradable does not mean the product is non-toxic to aquatic life. More information is available on our Storm & Surface Water page. 

Please call 425-587-3900 to report a spill. This number is available 24 hours a day.

Where is my property line? How do I find it?

To find the exact location of your property line, please contact a licensed surveyor.

Where are utilities located on or near my property?

For water, sewer, or storm drainage utility information, please call the Public Works Department at 425-587-3800. If your water or sewer service is provided by the Northshore Utility District, you may reach them at 425-398-4400. Woodinville Water District customers may call 425-487-4100.

To have utilities located in advance of digging or construction work, please call 811. Please note that the City of Kirkland does not mark private property including side sewers, water service lines, and private drainage systems. You may hire a private locating service to mark private property. 


I am thinking about subdividing my property; what improvements are required?

The Kirkland Zoning Code and Subdivision Ordinance list the public improvements and onsite storm drainage requirements that need to be made in order for the property to be subdivided. Contact the Public Works Department at 425-587-3800 for assistance. 

Who do I call to make changes to a utility account?

Please contact the City of Kirkland Utility Billing Department at 425-587-3150 to make changes to your utility account. 

If the Northshore Utility District provides your water or sewer service, you may reach them at 425-398-4400.

Woodinville Water District customers can call 425-487-4100.

Side sewer ownership

It is the homeowner's responsibility to maintain their lateral, commonly referred to as a side sewer, to the point it connects to the City-owned sewer main.