Development Engineering Group

Photo of a developed street with curb, gutter, sidewalk, and street trees
The Public Works Development Engineering Group is a part of the Development and Environmental Services Division. 

Development Engineering handles the review, permitting, and inspection of work to the City's water, sewer, storm drainage, and roadway infrastructure.  We also make sure the existing infrastructure and the environment are protected during construction.

"Stand-alone" work that is not associated with a building or grading permit can include:
  • converting from a septic system to the City sanitary sewer system
  • changes to driveways and access, or installing structures and fences in the public right-of-way
  • work on storm drainage systems
Please contact us directly about stand-alone work.
Development Engineering is also a part of the Development Services Center team.  "Development" can range from something as small as an addition to a house, to a large office building or a new subdivision. As a condition of that development, new or upgraded water, sewer, storm drainage, and street improvements may be required.  The Public Works review, fees, and inspection are combined into the building or grading permit. This all ensures that there is good, maintainable City infrastructure for use by all residents of Kirkland.

If you wish to apply for a permit, visit the City's online portal at

Apply for a Permit