Television Regulations
Kirkland Government Television
The Kirkland Channels are Government Access Cable Channels granted to the City of Kirkland. The channels exist to inform and involve residents in government, civic and community affairs. It is the goal of the Kirkland channels to provide a multimedia program service for the City of Kirkland, its residents, officials, and employees. The channels operate 24 hours a day, Channels 21 and 75 on Comcast cable, Channels 31 and 32 on Ziply and an interactive website. The Kirkland channels strive to produce compelling content that helps inform citizens about City issues, resources and services. The channels work to help citizens get the information they need to engage in civic dialogue, to make civic decision and participate in the life of the city.
We offer coverage of City Council and Planning Commission meetings. We will illuminate and explain public issues. We will convene discussion and offer analysis of local and regional issues. We will create opportunities for dialogue between City officials and citizens, forums, debates, etc. We will inform citizens about community and cultural opportunities. We will strive to be accurate, fair and useful.
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Channel Objectives
The objectives of the Kirkland channels are:
- A commitment to use our facilities to foster an informed and active citizenry by reflecting the activities of City of Kirkland government, its communities and its culture.
- A commitment to create two-way communication between City government and its citizens producing programming that informs, educates, enlightens and encourages participation in government activities and decision-making.
- A commitment to encourage debate, discussion and a diversity of viewpoints on local issues, and to disseminate and support programs and events that might not otherwise be available to Kirkland citizens.
- A commitment to be mindful of the interests and concerns of ethnic minorities and other special audiences. We make a concerted effort to bring the views and interests of these groups into our programming.
- A commitment to provide information about Kirkland City government and to serve as a forum for on-going dialogue on issues pertaining to public policy, City government services and programs.
Channel Policies
- Meetings of the City Council will typically be broadcast in their entirety. Coverage shall be provided whenever possible.
- In rare instances, primarily related to intense public interest in a special topic, the Digital Communications Manager, in his or her discretion may rebroadcast a segment of a meeting or public hearing previously shown in its entirety. In that event, the entire segment on that particular issue shall be cablecast unedited.
- The channel is not intended as a mechanism for building support for a particular ballot issue or candidate for public office. This provision does not preclude the cable casting of non-partisan programs sponsored by a neutral third party designed to inform the citizens of election issues and candidates.
- In any programming concerning subjects that may be interpreted to be materially controversial, the channel will maintain a position of neutrality, providing unbiased information. Requests for presentation of an opposing viewpoint during a legislative meeting will be directed to the appropriate agency for action on their agenda.
- There will be no discrimination in the delivery of its services on the basis of race, color, creed, national origination, sex, sexual orientation or physical ability.
- The channel will not cablecast any programming that exposes or promotes any particular religious group or belief.
- To maximize resources, Kirkland Government Access Channels will seek out high quality pre-produced programming that addresses the needs and interests of the citizens of Kirkland and that meets the priorities spelled out in this document.
Programming Priorities
- Emergency information involving the safety and health of the city; In the event of an emergency, KGOV Channel 21 will be available as needed and emergency information shall have priority over all programming. KGOV will work with the Emergency Services to coordinate the use and programming of the channel during emergencies;
- Public proceedings and meetings involving officials of the City of Kirkland;
- Programs that explain policies and programs of the City of Kirkland or that solicit citizen input on these policies and programs;
- Issues of significance that are being addressed at the neighborhood or community level;
- Public meetings of other government agencies and programs about public policy issues that are relevant to local government or affect Kirkland citizens;
- Programs that feature cultural and historic aspects of the city and its citizens and other programs of general interest to the citizens of Kirkland; and
- Public service announcements.
Candidates for election or re-election to a publicly held office shall not be provided access to Kirkland channels or its facilities prior to the election for that office, except in the normal course of their official duties. Candidates may appear on the Kirkland channel in political candidate forums and video voter guides in which all candidates have equal opportunity to participate.
Copyrights and other Restrictions
Programs containing copyrighted materials will be used only if copyright clearance has been obtained. The ownership and copyright for any program produced by the City shall be held by the City.
Programs that meet the legal definition of obscenity, salacious, or which are defamatory are prohibited. Any material which violates federal, state or local law is also prohibited. Video recordings of public meetings are not the official public record and there shall be no liability for inadvertent erasures or omissions.
Video Retention and Duplication
Video recordings of public meetings are not the official public records, and there shall be no liability for inadvertent erasures or omissions. Timely requests for copies of public meetings and other video programs will be accommodated by free video file download.
Management and Complaints
The Channels are part of the Information Technology Department and are managed by the Digital Communications Manager. The Channels have independence in programming decisions and shall not be subjected to editorial control beyond the guidance provided by this document. Programming and scheduling decisions will be non-partisan, equitable, and determined on content. The Digital Communications Manager is responsible for the production, acquisition, scheduling and cable casting of programs and production facilities that create programs. The Digital Communications Manager executes policy, establishes procedures and determines programming for the Government Television Channels.