LEOFF I is a state retirement system for Law Enforcement Officers and Firefighters that was established in March 1970. It was replaced with LEOFF II in October 1977. The Board is composed of five members:
To learn more, please read the Disability Board Policies and Procedures(PDF, 667KB).
The Board generally meets every third Tuesday of every other month at 4:30 PM. First meeting of the year is held in January.
Upcoming Meeting: Tuesday, January 21st at 4:30 PM.
Agenda Materials: Agenda(PDF, 90KB)
Zoom Link: https://kirklandwa-gov.zoom.us/j/89140149788
Meeting ID: 891 4014 9788
Past Agenda and Minutes
Disability Board Members
Rex Lindquist - Chair
Rex serves as the City of Kirkland's Disability Board Fire Representative.
Donald Corning
Donald Corning serves as the City of Kirkland's Disability Board Police Representative.
Jeremy Pemble
Jeremy serves as the City of Kirkland's Disability Board Citizen-at-Large.
Neal Black
Councilmember Black serves as the City of Kirkland's Disability Board second Council representative.
John Tymczyszyn
Councilmember Tymczyszyn serves as the City of Kirkland's Disability Board Council representative.
Staff Liaison Xin Chang-McAdam Human Resource Analyst XMcadam@kirklandwa.gov 425-587-3241
Disability Board disabilityboard@kirklandwa.gov
LEOFF-1 Claim Form(PDF, 142KB)
Complete the LEOFF I Claim for Expense Form for expenses and return with the necessary documentation by mail to: Xin Chang-McAdam C/O Human Resources 123 5th Ave Kirkland, WA 98033
General questions regarding the Disability Board and their scope of capacities can be sent to the service request portal of OurKirkland
King County Lake Swimming Beach Data Program