Block watch, sometimes referred to as neighborhood watch, is based on the idea that neighbors working together are the best line of defense against criminals, because nobody knows the neighborhood as well as the people who live there. A block watch program is easily implemented when community members are motivated, energized, and eager to accept the idea that crime prevention is a shared responsibility. All it takes to form a successful block watch is an engaged group of neighbors, dedicated leadership, and a core group of volunteers ready to serve on behalf of their neighborhood.
Once names and contact information are collected for the residents in a particular block watch area, it is time to meet! Knowing who your neighbors are is a cornerstone of block watch. Meetings are held in living rooms, garages, and sometimes churches, depending on how much space is needed. Block watch meetings can be easily tailored to suit the needs of any neighborhood.
Block watch is all about communication, connections, reporting all suspicious incidents, and knowing who your neighbors are. A robust, thriving block watch program serves as a deterrent to criminals, by making neighborhoods less attractive to thieves.