The Design Review Board (DRB) is responsible for the review of certain development projects in designated pedestrian-oriented business districts. Members of the DRB are appointed by the City Council to four-year terms. The Department of Planning and Community Development provide staff support to the Board. Public meetings before the DRB will be governed by these rules of procedure. Questions about the rules of procedure may be asked of the Department of Planning and Community Development, prior to the public meeting, or of the Design Review Board Chair at the beginning of a public meeting. The DRB may vary in special circumstances as deemed appropriate and necessary for expeditious processing of specific applications.
Public Participation
The DRB strongly encourages public input. At Board meetings, public comments may be provided in the ways listed below. Those wishing to speak to the Board must follow the following rules:
A time is scheduled near the beginning of each Board meeting for the public to address the DRB about any issue that is not on the agenda at the same meeting.
The Design Review Board welcomes letters and other printed materials as a supplement to or in place of oral comments. The materials may be submitted to the Department of Planning and Community Development any time prior to a Board meeting, or directly to the Board at a meeting.
The meetings provide formal opportunities for anyone to state their opinions or provide information to the Board. The Board’s authority is limited to matters related to project design and does not include such issues as traffic. In order to ensure a fair and orderly opportunity for everyone to speak, the Board uses the following meeting procedures:
(Adopted September 30, 2011 pursuant to KMC 3.34.050)
Planning & Building Department
Jon Regala, Planning Supervisor
Questions or comments regarding an ongoing project should be emailed directly to the planner assigned to the project.
Staff Directory
King County Lake Swimming Beach Data Program