The City’s budget is composed of 24 separate funds that are balanced independently—revenues equal expenditures. The City's budget is divided into four primary sections—General Government, Water/Sewer Utility, Surface Water Utility, and Solid Waste Utility. Within each primary section there are operating and non-operating funds, with the exception of the Solid Waste Utility which is comprised of an operating fund only.
General government operating funds account for services to the public including public safety, street maintenance, land use, parks and administrative functions. Taxes, fees and charges, and contributions from other governments, are the primary finance sources for general government. Non-operation funds account for debt service, capital improvements and reserves related to these operating funds.
Like the general government funds, the Water/Sewer Utility and the Surface Water Utility both have operating and non-operating components. Distinct from the general government funds, each of the utilities operates much the same as a business (enterprise), with customer charges (rates) supporting all costs. Resources of the utilities cannot be used to subsidize general government functions.