During construction, it may be necessary to pump groundwater or excess stormwater away from the site. This water can be contaminated with pollutants (including sediment) and cannot be discharged directly into the street or down a storm drain unless certain criteria are met. The following dewatering options are available:
1) Pump the excess water to another area of the site, and allow it to infiltrate into the soil.
2) If infiltration is not possible, water can be temporarily pumped to a storage facility (like a pond or tank) to allow settling prior to discharge. This water can be discharged into the sanitary sewer only if authorized by King County.
Refer to Policy E-1 of the City of Kirkland Pre-Approved Plans for approved methods in construction dewatering.
For specific requirements to discharge into the sanitary sewer, refer to the KC Fact Sheet & Construction Dewatering Request Form