Celebrate Earth Month 2022 with the City of Kirkland

Published on April 06, 2022

Trees, flowers with sunbeam at Watershed Park

Media Contact:                                                  
David Wolbrecht
Communications Program Manager

KIRKLAND, Wash. – The City of Kirkland invites community members to celebrate Earth Month to inspire environmental awareness and engage in environmental stewardship. Throughout the month of April, the community will have opportunities to learn about “green” initiatives by the City, attend events connecting us to our natural world, and discover actions that individuals can take to help the environment. For information throughout the month, visit kirklandwa.gov/earthmonth.

“The City of Kirkland has a longstanding record of leadership in our stewardship, protection, and enhancement of the natural environment to benefit our current residents and future generations,” states Deputy Mayor Jay Arnold. “Earth Month is a reminder that communities and individuals can make a positive impact to reduce the use of fossil fuels, produce or purchase clean renewable energy to mitigate climate change and reduce environmental impacts, and reduce waste.  The Kirkland community continually show this commitment, and Earth Month is an opportunity to explore more ways to contribute.”

The City’s efforts toward a sustainable future

The City Council adopted Kirkland’s Sustainability Master Plan (SMP) on December 8, 2020. The SMP identifies around 200 actions the City and community can take to help achieve our environmental, economic, and equitable sustainability goals.

The first annual update on the SMP will be delivered at the City Council meeting on April 19, 2022. Actions completed during the Plan’s first year include appointing a Sustainability Manager and completing an organizational equity assessment of the City to inform the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging 5-Year Roadmap. And as a part of the April 5, 2022, Council meeting, the Council adopted High Performance Building Standards for major development projects, which will reduce energy and water use in buildings, improve indoor air quality, and move Kirkland towards decarbonizing the built environment.

Kirkland was also recently named a 2021 Tree City USA by the Arbor Day Foundation for our commitment to effective urban forest management. The City has been part of the program for 19 years and has been recognized as a leader in community forestry, thanks in part to our dedicated community volunteers. The City Council recently updated the City’s Tree Code that balances property development with preservation of trees for the many environmental and health benefits they provide our community today and into the future. The amended Tree Code supports City efforts to preserve and maintain a 40% tree canopy in Kirkland.

By working together, City actions and community actions can help us to meet our robust environmental objectives.

Attend an Earth Month event

  • Friday, April 22, State Parks Free Day. Enjoy a visit to near-by Bridle Trails State Park or St. Edward State Park, or any other Washington State Park, with no required Discover Pass on this no-fee day.

Join in on rebates, projects, and community initiatives

  • Tree Certificate Program. The City now offers tree planting certificates up to $500 per property for use at participating nurseries. Unlike rebates, tree certificates allow you to plant trees on your property with little to no out-of-pocket costs. Learn more at kirklandwa.gov/TreeRebate.
  • Yard Smart Rain Rewards. This program provides technical assistance and financial rebates up to $3,000 for private property owners to install rain gardens, cisterns, and native landscaping to help manage the flow of rainwater runoff from their property. Learn more at kirklandwa.gov/YardSmart.
  • Let’s Quit Idling. City volunteers have initiated an Anti-Idling Public Awareness Campaign as a community-led effort to educate our community on the effects of idling and encourage all to turn off their engine when not driving. Learn more here.
  • Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging in Kirkland. In addition to walkable urban and natural settings, the City offers multiple free EV charging stations at City Hall, Marina Park, and Kirkland Library. All of the City’s EV charging stations are listed on the ChargePoint System.
  • Kirkland Green Trip. The City of Kirkland wants to reduce environmental impacts caused by traffic, helping those who live and work in Kirkland thrive. That's why we created Kirkland Green Trip, a one-stop resource to plan the most sustainable trips to and from work, school, and home.  Find out more here.

Every year, the City recognizes April as Earth Month to honor the value of our environment and natural spaces. This year, the City Council will formally proclaim April as Earth Month during the April 19 Council meeting.

For continued information about environmental programs, updates, and events, subscribe to the Kirkland Conserves newsletter.

For more information about recycling, contact Kirkland’s Recycling Hotline at recycle@kirklandwa.gov or 425-587-3812, and subscribe to their newsletter.
