We ask that properties meet these qualifications to join our food scrap composting program:
We would like properties to work on recycling first. Composting is more challenging, so it makes sense to make sure properties are doing well at the basics first.
While the program is offered at no cost to participants, it is paid for out of our program budget. We want to make sure the carts will get used and collect a worthwhile amount of material.
Contamination, or incorrect materials, pose a major challenge to composting. With this process, we can proactively provide educational materials to residents when we launch the composting program at the property, so everyone learns what they can compost. This process also connects our team with a contact person at the property who we can work with if contamination becomes an issue.
Property managers and residents are welcome to use this request form. You can submit your request before you have completed all the steps, and we will help you with any other steps needed to qualify.
Click here to view form.
Residents can compost all food scraps, including leftover food, bones, and shells, in their gray food scrap cart. This free program is not intended to be used for yard waste, which is available separately.
Learn more about our composting program
We have two free community food scrap drop-off containers available for multifamily residents without on-site composting.
Learn where you can drop off food scraps
Property managers can request free recycling assistance and supplies for their residents.
Request free recycling supplies and support
Contact the Recycling Hotline
recycle@kirklandwa.gov 425-587-3812
King County Lake Swimming Beach Data Program