A. General. The Chair has broad authority over all matters regarding the conduct of meetings. The Chair shall exercise this authority to promote the fullest possible presentation of information and discussion of matters before the Planning Commission while permitting the orderly and timely completion of Planning Commission business.
As a general protocol, the Chair of the meeting should introduce the agenda topic, provide for a staff presentation and questions from the Commission, and call for discussion among the Commission members.
The Chair should generally provide for each Commission member to offer a comment prior to weighing in on an issue. The Chair should ensure that all members have an opportunity to speak.
The Chair should also expedite the discussion in a timely manner and summarize the recommendation or direction from the Commission as 5 appropriate.
B. Use of Roberts Rules of Order. The Planning Commission may refer to the applicable provision of Roberts Rules of Order for guidance for items not addressed by these Rules and Procedures.
C. On specific agenda items other than public hearings, which are discussed in Section 9, the Chair may allow comments from the audience as appropriate. This usually occurs following a staff presentation and/or the completion of discussion by the Commission on the agenda item. Comments may be subject to the limitations noted in Section 3.A.
D. Attendance at Planning Commission Meetings. Planning Commissioners may attend Commission meetings in person or virtually in accordance with this section:
1. Commissioners are generally expected to attend meetings in person, absent emergent or other extenuating circumstances. However, the Commission also intends that Commissioners retain the flexibility to participate in meetings remotely for reasons including, but not limited to, public or personal health concerns, illness or injury, travel, or familial care by utilizing technologies such as video conferencing that allow interactive engagement with other Commissioners and interested members of the community. Whether participating in person or remotely, Commissioners are expected to participate actively in meetings.
2. The Commission has a strong preference for video and sound communication links that allow Commissioners participating remotely to see and be seen and to hear and be heard. However, to account for different needs that may exist (e.g., those related to sight or hearing), the Commission intends to allow for flexible approaches to meeting these communication needs, including telephone connections. In any event, the ability to communicate effectively in real time is essential.
3. In the event a remote communication link is broken or significantly degraded such that it is no longer possible to communicate effectively in real time, the presiding officer shall confirm the loss of service and announce the termination of such remote attendance until such time as such service may be restored. An affected Commissioner shall not be considered to be present at any time during 6 which remote service has been terminated. The Recording Secretary shall record the time period of any such closure.
4. For all other purposes under these policies and procedures, including voting, remote attendance by a Commissioner at a meeting shall be considered equal to being physically present at the meeting.