Please always write your account number on your check and include the top portion of the bill with your payment to assure correct posting to your account. Thank you in advance for your timely payment.
The City of Kirkland has recently updated its mailing address for payments. The new address is PO Box 3528, Seattle, WA 98124-3528. If you pay using bill pay via your bank or another third party processor, please update the mailing information to avoid delays in receipt of your payments.
Payments are due on the billing date shown on your statement and become delinquent 30 days from the billing date. A 10% late fee will be added on the 31st day. Additional bill notices will not be sent before the due date. Payments received after 3 p.m. on the due date will be credited to your account on the following day.
Property owners are responsible for all charges on utility bills. In certain cases, billings are made to the tenant or other designee. This alternate billing is for the convenience of the owner. If you are a tenant and receiving a bill, please be advised that a copy of any late notice will also be provided to the property owner or their designee. If you would like more information contact the Utility Billing Office at 425-587-3150 or by Email: or click here to find the alternate billing form(PDF, 332KB).