Kirkland Alliance of Neighborhoods

Kirkland Alliance of Neighborhoods (KAN) is a coalition of the City’s thirteen neighborhood associations. KAN members include a designated representative and the chairs of the various associations who meet each month to share information on important city-wide issues and events. KAN is an effective voice in communicating neighborhood concerns to the appropriate City entity.

KAN’s Mission Statement:
The Kirkland Alliance of Neighborhoods (KAN) is a coalition of the City’s Neighborhood Associations. KAN fosters communication and awareness of issues affecting the neighborhoods among the Neighborhood Associations, the City and appropriate entities. KAN is an effective, collegial voice for the neighborhoods and a valued resource for the City.

For KAN meeting agendas, minutes, packets, and current information:
Kirkland Alliance of Neighborhoods Website.

Bea Nahon -
Aaron Jacobson -

Meeting Schedule

2nd Wednesday of every month, 7 p.m.
City Hall, Peter Kirk Room
123 5th Avenue

KAN Representatives

Bill Blanchard

Interim Co-Chair
Aaron Jacobson


Central Houghton
Lisa McConnell

Alternate:  Gary Greenberg


Walter Jaccard 
Evergreen Hill  (representing the greater Kingsgate and northeast area)
Johanna Palmer

Finn Hill
Bill Blanchard

Launa Johnson

Leo Gilbert

Alternate: Doug Rough

Aaron Jacobson

Ken Mackenzie

Moss Bay
Jeanne Large

Alternate: Bea Nahon

Janet Pruitt

North Rose Hill
Kaylee Nilan

South Rose Hill/Bridle Trails
Chris Kagen

Totem Lake
For information about the Totem Lake Neighborhood Association contact:
Johanna Palmer

Erika Mascorro
City of Kirkland Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Manager


Neighborhood U

For the Love of Kirkland
The For the Love of Kirkland event featured Peter Kageyama, author of "For the Love of Cities" and "Love Where You Live," celebrated neighborhood accomplishments and inspired new interest in neighborhood leadership and participation.

Second Keeping Kirkland Moving open house for residents to continue conversation about the 2016 Sound Transit ST3 ballot measure.

Keeping Kirkland Moving open house for residents to learn about the 2016 Sound Transit ST3 ballot measure.


Community Future Day
Growth & Traffic—Is There A Solution? (video)

2013 Community Planning Day
As part of the City's "Kirkland 2035: Your Voice. Your Vision. Your Future." public involvement campaign, a Community Planning Day was held as a way to listen to ideas from community members about the future of the City. As part of the day, a presentation was given by Joe Tovar, FAICP, planning consultant on "Growth Management - What Does It Mean for Kirkland's Future."  

Civics Academy

In 2012, KAN supported the City hosting a Civics Academy in lieu of Neighborhood U.

Strengthening Neighborhood Leadership

Collaborating with the City
Preserving Juanita Woodlands

Insider’s View to City Programs & Services

Kirkland Parks & Community Services
Kirkland's Streams, Lakes, and Stormwater System
Kirkland Police Department from Past to Present
Comprehensive and Neighborhood Planning
Neighborhood Services

Planning and Development

Comprehensive Plans

Neighborhood Plans

  • State Growth Management Act and how it guides City-wide and neighborhood planning for the future
  • Resident involvement in the planning process 
  • Lakeview and Central Houghton Neighborhood Plan updates

Neighborhood Community Building
Jim Diers, Neighbor Power

  • Mapping your neighborhood
  • Inspiring community building in Kirkland

Leadership Training 

  • Effective listening
  • Leading great meetings
  • Decision-making tools
  • Working with difficult people

Neighborhood Associations 

  • Organizing a neighborhood association
  • How to sustain a neighborhood association

City Finance 

  • General Fund budget process

Public Works

  • Transportation
  • Capital improvement program
  • Neighborhood traffic control

Planning and Development 

  • Growth management and regional planning
  • Kirkland’s Comprehensive Plan
  • Neighborhood plans
  • Planning, land use and development
  • Land use permitting and appeals

City Hall 101—Kirkland’s Form of Government

  • Finance and budget
  • Planning
  • Land use and development
  • Traffic and transportation
  • Public safety
  • Parks and natural resources