6th Street Corridor Study

6th St Corridor Study

The 6th Street Corridor is an important north-south transportation corridor for Kirkland.  This study resulted in a list of recommended corridor improvements that will move people efficiently; connect community and neighborhood destinations, safely; and help reduce congestion.

The 6th Street Corridor Study Report(PDF, 18MB) includes the following:

  • Current Corridor Context - Identifies the study limits and functions.  It describes the current corridor characteristics for each transportation mode, vehicle parking, and collisions and safety.  It also describes the public outreach process and includes a summary of observations and issues.

  • Growth and Changes - Describes growth and future conditions that will impact study area.  It addresses planned land use changes, as well as planned and programmed transportation improvements in the corridor.  It also describes emerging transportation technology trends that may impact the corridor in the future.

  • Potential Solutions - Describes the process by which a list of potential improvements was developed based on input from the community, and then how the list of potential solutions was evaluated in more detail in order to create a list of Recommended Corridor Improvements.

  • Corridor Improvements - Provides the list of capital improvements, policies and education initiatives that make up the Recommended Corridor Improvements.

  • Relationship to Land Use - Addresses the transportation effects of changes in land use at the Houghton/Everest Neighborhood Center (HENC).

  • Appendices:

     A. Data Collection and Methods Memo - This memorandum was used to communicate and start assembling list of data for the 6th Street Corridor Study to create a broad      understanding of the transportation Context. The memo also outlined the draft methodology for analysis of the corridor.

     B. LOS Definitions and Worksheet - Provides a description of signalized intersections and unsignalized intersection levels of service (LOS).

     C. Survey Summary - Summarizes the results of the online survey conducted as part of the project for the Houghton/Everest Neighborhood Center and 6th Street Corridor Study.

     D. Solutions Memo - This memorandum summarizes the evaluation of potential solutions developed to meet the NE 6th Street/108th Avenue NE corridor transportation needs.

     E. HENC Analysis Results Memo - This memorandum summarizes the baseline scenario of development and potential investments against comparative growth scenarios in vehicle trips resulting from proposed land use options in the Houghton/Everest Neighborhood Center (HENC).

     F. Project Pages - This appendix provides more detailed project information for particular Recommended Corridor Improvements identified in Table 2 of the report.