Replacing a water heater requires at least one permit. The type of permit(s) required depends on what type of water heater is being installed and the scope of any related work that is occurring.
When a gas water heater is being installed to replace an existing water heater:
When an electric water heater is being installed to replace an existing water heater:
If the water heater is being installed inside a single family residence (whether detached or attached to one other residence) or inside a townhouse unit, plan review is not required for a mechanical, plumbing or electrical permit, and should qualify for Over-the-Counter permitting.
If a building permit is required, then plan review is required. Plan review for a water heater replacement may qualify for Express Review.
Whether or not plan review is required, all work performed must comply with current codes and will need to be inspected - see Step 4.
When applying for a permit that requires plan review:
Apply for a permit
See Construction Tip Sheet 7 for a summary of code requirements for water heater installation.
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