Kirkland City Council Adopts Plan for NE 85th Street Station Area

Published on June 30, 2022


Media Contact:
David Wolbrecht
Communications Program Manager
(425) 587-3021

KIRKLAND, Wash. – At a special meeting on June 28, 2022, the Kirkland City Council adopted a plan for the NE 85th Street Station Area. The adoption of the plan, along with related legislative amendments, paves the way for a walkable, equitable, sustainable, and complete transit-oriented neighborhood that will provide affordable housing, park amenities, high tech and family wage jobs, commercial and retail services, and opportunities for new school capacity. The plan leverages the Sound Transit bus rapid transit station planned for the I405/NE 85th Street interchange which is on schedule to be operational in 2026.

“We are deeply grateful to everyone in the community who shared their thoughts, concerns, and vision for this area,” said Mayor Penny Sweet. “The feedback we received has been invaluable in shaping a plan that builds upon what makes Kirkland special to ensure an even stronger community into the future. This plan sets the course for a neighborhood that is eco-friendly, a place to connect, and deeply rooted in the history of the land, the people, and the culture of this special crossroads.”

Development of the plan launched with the adoption of the City’s 2019-2020 Budget. Since then, the Station Area has been a topic of discussion for dozens of public meetings of the City Council, Planning Commission, and Transportation Commission, as well as several community meetings and workshops.  Community engagement during the project has been dynamic, adjusted to the onset of a global pandemic, extended when the community requested a longer draft SEIS comment period, and expanded when staff heard requests for the community to share more thoughts. This flexibility has allowed staff to meet with every community organization that has requested a presentation and discussion on the process since 2020.

“It’s a landmark decision for Kirkland. The adoption of the Station Area Plan is a culmination of more than two years of intense work by our city staff and our planning and transportation commissions with extensive input from the community,” said Deputy Mayor Jay Arnold. “The bus rapid transit station will provide this area with frequent high-capacity transit service to regional destinations and transit connections. By adopting this plan, Kirkland is harnessing this once-in-a-generation investment by WSDOT and Sound Transit to create a connected, innovative, inviting, and thriving neighborhood.”

To learn more about the NE 85th Street Station Area Plan, visit

The City of Kirkland is interested in a different name that embodies the identified vision for the district. What do you think this "Station Area" of Kirkland should be called? Visit the quick online poll to share your thoughts.

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