Across every department, the City is planning and building a green, vibrant future for Kirkland. We provide infrastructure to make it easier for people who live and work here to make green choices. As Kirkland grows, we plan for and encourage sustainable development and green building. Knowing that we're part of a bigger community, we collaborate with other governments and organizations in Washington to support policies and programs that will have widespread environmental benefits.
Planning documents guide the City's work, decisions, and projects, so it is important to plan for the environment and incorporate sustainability into plans.
Working with regional partners on big-scale challenges
Many teams at the City are involved in work that makes Kirkland more sustainable, since all operations and decision-making has an impact on the environment. However, these key teams primarily do work that centers on the environment:
Kirkland's Sustainability Master Plan, adopted in 2020, identifies actions the City and Kirkland community can take to fight climate change and make our natural spaces healthier.
Learn more about the Sustainability Master Plan
Learn how the City incorporates sustainability into decision making.
We can't do it without you! We rely on the help of volunteers to complete restoration. The choices you make at home influence how clean our lakes and streams are and how much impact Kirkland has on the climate.
Learn how you can help our environment
King County Lake Swimming Beach Data Program